Work with us on innovative electrochemical solutions for circular resources
HYDROHM develops and implements electrochemical technology for a better water user experience on earth and in space. We believe in the electrification of water treatment as an opportunity to shift towards more local and sustainable water systems, with an increased focus on quality and health. Instead of dosing chemicals to treat water, electrochemical technologies use electricity, which is a renewable and traceless input.
Latest news
URIDIS demonstration project: The Place to Pee
On July 6th, the ‘Place to Pee’ was officially opened. The Place to Pee is the first demonstration of the URIDIS technology at full scale. It is placed on the recreational domain ‘De Blaarmeersen’ in Gent (Strandlaan 24, BE9000- Gent), and will be operational from July until the end of September. A public toilet container which accommodates 2 urinals and 3 source separating toilets (Save! toilet from Laufen) is connected to the URIDIS system. The system treats urine locally: it recovers the nutrients and produces disinfecting flush water for the toilets. You can visit the demonstration unit and contribute with your ‘donation’ in the toilet container. We thank our partners Stad Gent, Farys, Laufen and Spraying Systems Co. for their support in this project!
More information can be found here: www.stad.gent/theplacetopee.
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